Some fun questions for you about the Laws of the Sport


What is the minimum distance for a legally delivered jack?
2 What is the minimum distance from the mat for a rebound jack?
3 A bowl is driven off the rink, hits the back of the ditch and comes back onto the rink. Does it remain where it stops or is removed?
4 A jack is driven off the rink, hits the back of the ditch and comes back onto the rink. Does it remain where it stops or is removed?
5 A player delivers the wrong bowl, it come to rest as a toucher, what should you do?
6 Whilst measuring you inadvertently move the jack, what happens next.
7 Two opposing players cannot agree on the shot bowl. What options are available to them.
8 During a match a player, after delivering their bowl walks up the green to follow it. Are they allowed to do this.

The laws of the sport state that players must be at a certain place in regard to the head. Where is that?

10 A player decides that after the trial ends he wants to change his bowls. Is this allowed?
11 A player deliberately places a marker on the bank to assist his delivery, is this permitted?
12 A player deliberately places their foot in line with the jack to assist a delivery, is this permitted?
13 When placing the jack where should it be in relation to the 'T' or the 2m stick?
14 A player wishes to play in a national game, two of  his four bowls have a name engraved, the other two do not. Is this permitted.
15 A player has his fun stickers on his bowls and is given club stickers which he places on top of his own stickers. Is this permitted?
16 Two bowls are almost exactly 30Cm apart. You measure bowl 1 and then bowls 2 what should  happen next?
17 Two toucher's are in the ditch. A non-toucher bowl gently falls onto and stays on top of these two bowls. Is it live?
18 A delivered bowl drops into the ditch and falls onto the jack which is moved. What happens next?
19 A bowl touches the jack on its original course, how should you mark it?
20 A player drops their bowl and it travels about 4 metres (yards), can they retrieve it and try again?
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